Meet the passionate members continuing Trudy’s mission

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Meet our Board

The Board operates on a volunteer basis, and always will. The Trudy Crowley Foundation is a charitable trust and Deductible Gift Recipient, as certified by the Australian Taxation Office.

Belief and passion led us here

Pauline Townsend


Jacquie Camilleri

Vision Advocate

Luke Phillips



Damian Crowley

Board Member

Sonia Crowley

Board Member

Aggie Murphy



Levi Crowley

Board Member





The Trudy Crowley Foundation Goals as listed in Constitution

a. Engage a registered nurse or other health professional to:

    (i) Provide free, out-of-hospital care to those suffering from ovarian cancer; and

    (ii) Provide education and assist patients who have been diagnosed with cancer, and their families, with health literacy and understanding how and where to access information and support services;

b. Offering support services, including group sessions, to patients undergoing cancer treatment and their families;

c. Raise awareness of all cancers within our community.

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